How To Deal With Peer Pressure
Peer pressure in simple words means to get influenced with people. It is important to understand that whatever people pressure us to do is their karma and what we do after listening to them is ours and we all know that our karma creates our destiny.
Even if people are doing wrong to us or are being wrong to us, they cannot create our destiny. Let them keep doing whatever they are doing because it is only creating their world. Why do we get affected due to someone else’s karmas? Why do we get disturbed?
We believe that they are putting obstacles in our life but no, by doing wrong karmas, by manipulating us, by lying to us, by betraying us or by abusing us they are putting obstacles in their own lives. But, when we get entangled with their karma by getting hurt, by arguing with them or by creating any other negative thought, that is when our destiny starts getting affected.
Now, how can we create our beautiful destiny? Whatever we want to write in our destiny, pain, hurt, criticism, love, respect or happiness is completely our choice. Can we forgive those who’ve done something wrong to us?
Can we release hurt or any other negative emotions that we’ve held onto of the past? Can we forgive those who’ve not been nice to us? Which means they and what they did does not live on our mind anymore. If someone is not being nice to us, how are we supposed to be with them? They are being rude to us, how are we supposed to be with them? They’ve been doing wrong to us for 5 years, how long do we need to continue being nice to them? We have to do that every time and till when? Always.
Remember, that our response will create our destiny. If we respond in the same way they had spoken to us then the destiny is written will be the same. When we understand this, then we realize that living life becomes so easy. We feel that we are tolerating so much, we feel that we are victims but, we are not tolerating anything.
We are just doing and thinking about the way that is right and healthy for us. We are just doing our karma. Holding onto people’s behavior will not disturb their destiny, it is going to disturb our destiny, health, work and relationships. It has nothing to do with them.
This is what Spirituality teaches us. Spirituality means being extremely selfish, think of what is right and healthy for you and do the karmas accordingly because once you start doing that, that is when you’ll be able to radiate unconditional love and respect to the world. The more you take care of yourself, the more you have to give to people. One negative emotion attracts many others and one positive emotion attracts many others. Do not reciprocate people’s karmas to them.
Do not copy what people around you are doing. Do not get influenced by other people. Don’t check what other people are doing, always check what is right for you because that is what is going to go with you tomorrow. It will affect your present and it is going to go in your future. If people around us are not eating and drinking healthy and we start copying them, what will happen then? We will meet together in the hospital. Then we will go together for the health check-up. But then we feel that having such things is normal as everyone is doing.
We don’t have to look at what people are doing, we have to see what is right and what is wrong because what everyone is doing may not be right. It may be right for them but not for us.
Now, what happens when we start living a healthy and happy lifestyle? Sometimes people may call us old fashioned, boring, they may ridicule us, they may stop talking to us but, then again it is their karma. We are here to do our karmas and to make our destiny.
We are not here to satisfy everyone around. It should not be that way that one person called us old fashioned and we got deviated from our definition of ‘what is right’. The world believes that the wrong lifestyle is a happy lifestyle but if that was so, then the world would be so happy today.
Nobody in this world would be talking about divorce, depression, stress, anxiety or any other emotional illness. We are living in such an era that children see their parents smoking and drinking together and then children start doing the same, they start having a drink with their parents.
This is the era that we are living in and there was also an era when our mothers used to stop our fathers from smoking and consuming alcohol by saying that it is not healthy. So, only because everyone is doing it, we started believing it, as a normal lifestyle.
If we go for a party and don’t do what everyone is doing then our friends ridicule or start forcing us to do that at least once and so we start doing it. We get influenced by people so easily that we forget that we are here to live a healthy and peaceful lifestyle. Remember that when karma will come in front with a question paper, then those friends will not come to accompany us and we will have to face our destiny alone. As is the karma, so will be the destiny. So, one karma that we really need to change is getting affected by public pressure.
If your friends accept you only if you eat and drink what they eat and drink, then they cannot be called as friends. So be very careful on whom you put the label of a friend. A friend means who accepts you as you are. A person who ridicules you, who forces you to be their way cannot be called a friend. Nowadays, we believe that if we have to work well with everyone, we have to do what everyone is doing.
We have to be with them so that they accept us. One person followed this lifestyle then another and then another and now we have reached a stage where the whole world is following this lifestyle just to be with everyone and to be accepted by everyone. In all this where is our original identity?
Now, to change the society only one has to change. Be the person that everyone starts copying you. One person has to change and that one person who will change, will create a ripple effect and will make others change but if everyone is copying the unhealthy lifestyle then can you visualize how children will be 10 years from now?
Can you visualize a child who starts smoking and drinking at the age of 18 or 20? We already have reached this stage. What is its impact on society? “I am a powerful being” which means “I am able to stand alone in every situation.” “I am able to stand alone even if the whole world is standing on the other side.” Right does not mean what everyone is doing.
Right means what is right for us and which means speaking right, thinking right, eating right and most importantly behaving right. So, whenever someone comes up to you and calls you old fashioned, then feel proud of yourself that you are still living a healthy and happy life.
This is how we are choosing our destiny and our destiny also creates the destiny of our family. So be careful with the choices that you make in your life.