Spirituality vs Religion

Shradha Krishan Kumar Atri
2 min readJul 7, 2021


Is there any difference between spirituality and religion? Aren’t they same. Why is there always confusion between these two?

Unfortunately, religion has become the main source of conflict everywhere in the world only because a religion is essentially coming from a set of belief systems and beliefs are always narrow. Being religious is not wrong but, not being spiritual is something you are going far from your blissful state.

Dalai Lama said this once, that a person can live a happy and a healthy life without being religious but he cannot be happy without being spiritual. We have held onto so many things for the sake of religion that we don’t even know. Belief means something you don’t know and your are blindly following it just because it is followed by people you look up to.

The Difference Between Spirituality and Religion

Somewhere, at some point, all religions started as a spiritual process. But in their eagerness to organize, they lost the fundamentals. Religion is just spirituality gone wrong. If you say that you belong to a particular religion that means you are a believer and if you say that you are on a spiritual path, it means that you are a seeker.

The first thing in a spiritual process is to be aware of what you know and what you do not know. “If I know, I know” and “If I don’t know, I don’t know” as simple as that and when you say “I don’t know” it means that now you are ready to know something. That is when you become a seeker and that when you are on a spiritual path.

Spirituality starts when instead of focusing outside, you start focusing inside. Your inward. Do you not deserve this one thing?

We need to move humanity from religion to a more responsible function.



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