What is Solitude and How to Practice it?
Solitude is a very positive state of mind. It means that the one is happy with himself. It is a state of being alone without feeling lonely. If today we look at our lifestyle, then most of the time we are sitting with our phones, laptops or any other gadget but, here the question is “What is Solitude?” which means to be happy even without the gadgets. What is happening today is that when a person tries to control us, we stand up for ourselves completely but on the other side aren’t these gadgets controlling us? Are we not being controlled by our phones? We are. We are not even realizing that we have become slaves of the objects. We are in a relationship with so many people around, but from the inside we are all alone. From the outside we pretend to be so happy but are we the same from the inside? No, and we all know the reason. The treason is we are running after people so much that we have forgotten that the first relationship we share is with our own self. We need to make that relationship beautiful first. Instead of chasing other people, Let us start creating a relationship with ourselves. That is Solitude.
Social media is the one reason why people go into a state of loneliness. They see people happy on social media and start thinking that the life they are living is the worst. Here, we need to know that nobody shares their true life on social media. Everyone has two different worlds. One that they are actually living in and the other one is that they share on various platforms.
The biggest mistake that we make in our lives is just that, we point our fingers outside and blame each other for what we are feeling and how we are feeling. We all continuously make the outer world responsible for our inner world and we forget that the outer world cannot be in our control but the inner world is 100% in our control and it is our responsibility.
To practice Solitude we just need to do one thing. We just need to make a beautiful relationship with ourselves and how will we do that? By spending time with ourselves. Start with 10 mins, slowly and gradually make it to 30 mins. This is the only way by which one can attain that state of Solitude.