Who is the Creator of your Destiny?

Shradha Krishan Kumar Atri
4 min readJul 6, 2021


Let us know who’s the writer of our destiny. Since childhood, we’ve been taught that whatever is happening to us is happening according to the gods’ will and so we believe that he writes our destiny. We all ask a question to ourselves whenever something happens and the question is “Why did this happen to me?” Spirituality teaches us two very important things. One, each one is a soul on a very long journey and two, today “I am in this body” and tomorrow “I” will be in another body with different parents and different environments but, one thing that will never change is the nature, the habits and the karma. These are the things that every soul takes along with itself.

Do you know what the world needs today the most? It needs happy parents coming back home in the evening to their children because only they can radiate love and emotional health to their children. Otherwise, a 6 or 7 years old child will say to their parents “I am stressed, I am irritated or I am busy” and so will be the destiny of the child. But because we believe that this vocabulary is normal for us, we allow them also to use it.

Visualize today a 7 years old child saying “I am busy” after 20 years when he is 27 years old, how often will he be able to be happy throughout his life? Is that what you want in the destiny of your child? Parents work so hard in earning comforts for their children and have forgotten that they have to create happiness for them only because they believe that a comfortable life is a happy life. A child who has been given all the comforts and expensive gifts throughout his life from his parents does not mean that he’s happy more than the child who has not got all those comforts and expensive gifts from his parents.

We believed in one wrong belief system and we were busy earning comforts for them because we believed that the more we earn, the happier our family would be. If that was the truth then in the last few years we would have prospered but, in the last few years we have headed more towards divorce, anxiety, depression, terror and a lot of other issues and why is it so? Because we equated comfort, achievement is equal to happiness. We have reached a stage where we have started calculating the index of depression.

WHO says that in every four, one is experiencing a symptom of depression. It does not at all mean that earning money and comforts for kids is not important. It is very important but it is the outer aspect of life and love, power, peace and happiness are inner aspects of life. So, we have to be very careful that when we work at the office from 0900 to 1800 hours, we are stable and calm so that when we come back home in the evening we bring that love, calmness, peace and happiness for our family.

Another belief system that we need to remember is whatever is happening in our life today, is the consequence of our earlier action. Nothing can come to us until it has gone from our side. If a person does not take care of his health today, he ignores, no exercise, no proper diet and no time to sleep then tomorrow there are big chances for him to fall ill. So, illness in the destiny of him and is written by whom?

His action of not taking care of his health. This is it, that we blame up there and then we plead and beg in front him that “please do this for me” because we believe that it was his will that we met failure in our life and for us to be happy always, he has to do something and change our destiny.

Now we have two options, first is that we keep on pleading and begging in front of god to change our destiny and the second option is that we change our belief system and tell ourselves that whatever is happening in our lives is a consequence of our past karmas. This is a spiritual law “Law of Karma”.

If everything was happening according to God’s will, then every destiny would be perfect and most important, we would all have the same destiny. It could not happen that someone is perfectly healthy and the other one is ill, someone is always happy in his life and someone is always in pain, someone is very rich and someone has nothing to eat. This cannot happen because parents will always be fair to their children NO Matter What.

If we understand “Law Of Karma” the mind will stop questioning “Why is he doing this to me? Why are they rude to me? Why don’t they respect me?”



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